Auto Portability - Recent Developments

Find the most-recent auto portability media coverage and developments.


A new solution to tackle the old problem of missing 401(k)s

In his latest article in Employee Benefit News, RCH's Spencer Williams breaks new ground in addressing the age-old problem of missing participants. Citing new research from RCH and Boston Research Technologies showing that 67% of inactive plan participants can be found via "auto locate" technology, Williams argues that the auto locate process will revolutionize the location of missing participants and finally bring an end to the insanity of "doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result."


Employees Cash Out 401(k)s in Record Numbers

In her 2/14/18 article, Workforce Magazine's Patty Kujawa examines the ongoing dilemma of 401(k) cashout leakage, quoting RCH's Spencer Williams as well as Keith Overly, Executive Director of the state of Ohio's defined contribution plan. Both agree that cashouts are a big problem and emphasize different aspects of its prevention, with Williams focusing on measures that make it easier to move retirement savings forward when participants change jobs.


Why We Urgently Need A ‘Sustainable’ 401k Defined Contribution System

In his latest article in 401k Specialist, RCH's Tom Hawkins makes the case for creating a 'sustainable' 401(k) defined contribution system. According to Hawkins, the current 401(k) system is unsustainable due to 1) rampant cashout leakage, 2) an explosion of small-balance accounts and 3) a surge in missing participants. Auto portability, says Hawkins, can address these problems and bring sustainability to our defined contribution system.

A Brief History of Auto Portability