Auto Portability in the News
Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.
RCH in EBN: Enhance Auto Enrollment with Auto Portability
In his latest Employee Benefit News article, RCH's CEO Spencer Williams contends that Auto Portability is Auto Enrollment's natural complement, particularly in high-turnover industries.
Enhance Auto Enrollment with Auto Portability
The Pension Protection Act of 2006 created a safe harbor for retirement plan sponsors to automatically enroll employees in their plans. This provision was designed to help plan sponsors and participants over the long term, and it has but it also unintentionally fueled a surge in small accounts, hurting both constituencies. Auto Portability is a solution that promises to address the problems associated with automatic enrollment. The benefits are huge -- particularly for high-turnover industries.
RCH in EBN: Auto-Portability Reduces Plan Fees by Increasing Plan Balances
RCH's CEO Spencer Williams continues to make the case for Auto-Portability, a new plan feature that recycles mandatory distributions, increases average balances and lowers plan costs.
Reduce Plan Fees by Increasing Account Balances
Plan costs can be lowered by increasing average balances, and average balances can be increased through auto portability, says RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams.
PLANSPONSOR Asks: Is Auto-Portability the Next Big Innovation for 401(k) Plans?
PLANSPONSOR's Sara Kelly interviews RCH CEO Spencer Williams, exploring Auto-Portability.
Alicia Munnell in MarketWatch: Supporting the RCH Goal of a Retirement Savings Clearinghouse
Alicia Munnell -- Boston College's Director, Center for Retirement Research -- comes down squarely in favor of a clearinghouse for the nation's 401(k) system.
RCH in EBN: Why dump mandatory distributions in a landfill when you can recycle?
Williams advocates a new "recycling" approach for mandatory distributions from plan.
Why Dump Mandatory Distributions in a Landfill When You Can Recycle?
Mandatory distributions of small 401(k) accounts when participants separate from service provide many benefits for plan sponsors, including lower administrative costs and higher average account balances.