Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


Far Out: What If Timothy Leary Was a 401k Plan Sponsor?

In the 1960’s, counter-culture guru Timothy Leary urged a generation to “turn on, tune in and drop out.” If Leary was still around and sponsoring a 401(k) plan, he might urge participants to “save up, move on and cash out.” While that sounds contradictory and profoundly ill-advised, it’s exactly what 5 million job-changing 401(k) participants do in the 1st year following separation. In his latest opinion piece in 401k Specialist Magazine, RCH's Tom Hawkins explores the reasons for so many cashouts, and how – with viable solutions now available – plan sponsors should fully-embrace seamless plan-to-plan portability.


If Timothy Leary Were a 401(k) Plan Sponsor

In the 1960’s, counter-culture guru Timothy Leary urged a generation to “turn on, tune in and drop out.” If Leary were still around and sponsoring a 401(k) plan, he might urge participants to “save up, move on and cash out.” While that sounds contradictory and profoundly ill-advised, it’s exactly what 5 million job-changing 401(k) participants do in the 1st year following separation. In his latest Consolidation Corner blog post, RCH's Tom Hawkins explores the reasons for so many cashouts, and how – with viable solutions now available – plan sponsors should fully-embrace seamless plan-to-plan portability.


Every dollar counts in today’s zero-interest-rate environment

In his latest article for Employee Benefit News, RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams analyzes the phenomenon of low interest rates and its long-term effects on retirement savers. Williams observes that, in a low interest rate environment, more savings are required to generate an equivalent amount of retirement income, so avoiding unnecessary cashout leakage is paramount. To achieve this goal, Williams urges plan sponsors to adopt auto portability, a technology solution that's "available to help sponsors make every dollar count for participants during these extraordinary times."


Alight Solutions Releases New Study on Small-Balance Cashouts

Alight Solutions, a leader in defined contribution plan services, released a new study that addresses the problem of small-balance 401(k) cashouts. The study, The impact of 401(k) cash-outs on retirement income, examines the very high prevalence of small-balance 401(k) cashouts, the low incidence of 401(k) roll-ins and provides illustrations that depict the importance of preserving these small balances for retirement. Finally, the study points to RCH Auto Portability as an important "emerging new tool" in the fight against cashouts, for which Alight is "pleased to be an early adopter."


How to Handle the Explosion of Small-Balance IRAs

In his opinion piece in 401k Specialist Magazine, RCH's Tom Hawkins examines EBRI's 10/1/20 Fast Facts - Losing Ground Safely: Small IRAs’ Large Stake in Money - which provides new insight into the magnitude of a small-balance IRA “explosion” fueled by automatic rollovers, as well as the sub-optimal retirement outcomes they produce. EBRI's new information provides yet another data point in favor of 401(k) consolidation via auto portability and could serve to inform future regulatory guidance by expanding auto portability’s mandate to consolidate these previously “stranded” safe harbor IRAs back into our 401(k) system.


The Finances of Race

Writing in The Leader's Edge, David Tobenkin examines how employee benefits need to do more to help racial minorities gain traction in saving for their retirement. Tobenkin extensively quotes Robert L. Johnson, founder & Chairman of The RLJ Companies and majority owner of RCH. Tobenkin then turns to RCH's founder, President & CEO Spencer Williams, citing the racial disparities in 401(k) cashout statistics and profiling the RCH Auto Portability program, which was recently adopted by Alight Solutions.


The Explosion of Small-Balance IRAs

In his latest post in RCH's Consolidation Corner, RCH's Tom Hawkins examines EBRI's 10/1/20 Fast Facts - Losing Ground Safely: Small IRAs’ Large Stake in Money - which offers new insight into the magnitude of a small-balance IRA “explosion” being fueled by automatic rollovers, as well as the sub-optimal retirement outcomes they produce. EBRI's new information provides yet another data point in favor of 401(k) consolidation via auto portability and could serve to inform future regulatory guidance by expanding auto portability’s mandate to consolidate these previously “stranded” safe harbor IRAs back into our 401(k) system.


From Tired to Inspired: A Roadmap for 401k Roll-ins

In his latest article in 401k Specialist Magazine, RCH's Tom Hawkins walks readers through a "roadmap" for the progression of 401(k) roll-ins from ‘tired’ to ‘wired’ and finally, to the ‘inspired’ state that will eventually characterize 401(k) plan-to-plan portability. The article also includes a video providing viewers with the essential points made in the piece.

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability