Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


Michael Barry Gives DOL an 'A' on Auto Portability

In his ongoing "Barry's Pickings" column for PLANSPONSOR, Michael Barry, president of O3 Plan Advisory Services LLC, gives the U.S. Department of Labor an 'A' for its November 2018 issuance of a proposed Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) and an Advisory Opinion on Auto Portability. Barry adds: "as a long-time advocate of the establishment of a clearinghouse, I view this as very good news."


WISER Publication Features Auto Portability

In an article carried in their WISERWoman Fall 2018 newsletter, the Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER) spreads the "good news" that the U.S. Department of Labor has issued an Advisory Opinion on auto portability, clearing the path for the automatic transfer of small 401(k) balances of $5,000 or less. The WISER article also notes that women are hard-hit by retirement savings cashout leakage, with 2.4 million women cashing out $28 billion per year from 401(k) plans.


PLANSPONSOR's 2018 Retrospective Features Auto Portability

PLANSPONSOR's John Manganaro, in this year-end retrospective, runs down the key regulatory developments affecting plan sponsors in 2018. High on Manganaro's list is the U.S. Department of Labor's November Advisory Opinion on the RCH Auto Portability program, which clarified fiduciary roles under the program.


2018 Regulatory Highlights for Plan Advisers and Their Clients

PlanAdviser identifies the most-impactful 2018 regulatory developments that will affect plan advisers and their clients moving into the New Year. The DOL's November 2018 Advisory Opinion on the RCH Auto Portability program, which clarified fiduciary roles under the program, is high atop the list.


Why employees should never cash out their employer-sponsored defined contribution plan

In her 12/27/18 article in Employee Benefit Adviser, contributor Sandy Blair, CalSTRS Director of Retirement Readiness, explains why employees should never cash out of their employer-sponsored defined contribution plan. To make her case, Blair cites research on plan participation, job-changing and cashout leakage from Retirement Clearinghouse, EBRI and the American Benefits Council. For job-changers, Blair believes that the option to "roll their retirement plan assets into the new employer's plan" is "hands down, the best option, as having all an employee's retirement funds in one place makes it easier to track and manage them."


401kSpecialist: How to Tame the Biggest Threat to a Secure Retirement

In his 12/17/18 article in 401kSpecialist, contributor Robert Lawton identifies healthcare savings as one of the biggest threats to a secure retirement, advocating for policies that support greater use of HSAs. In his analysis, Lawton also identifies auto portability and open MEPs as "good ideas to help address perceived deficiencies in existing 401(k) plans."


Paris Dennard Identifies Auto Portability as Policy Beneficial to Minorities

In his 12/17/18 opinion piece in The Daily Caller, Paris Dennard examines some of the Trump administration's economic policies toward black Americans, identifying the Labor Department's auto portability rule change as "allowing Americans, especially minorities, the ability to preserve their retirement savings when they change jobs."


BET Founder Bob Johnson Applauds Administration For 401(k) Auto Portability Program

RealClear Politics' Ian Schwartz covers the 12/12/18 White House event marking the establishment of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, and focuses specifically on remarks made by the RLJ Companies founder and Retirement Clearinghouse majority owner Robert L. Johnson. In his remarks, Mr. Johnson thanks the administration for the Department of Labor's recent actions on Auto Portability, noting that the auto portability program could result in "close to $800 billion" in incremental retirement savings for minority Americans.

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability