Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


PLANSPONSOR: DOL Proposes Exemption for Retirement Plan Auto-Portability Solution

PLANSPONSOR’s Rebecca Moore details the DOL’s 11/7/18 notice of a proposed exemption from restrictions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to RCH for use of its auto-portability solution. The DOL, says Moore, has “tentatively determined that the proposed exemption is protective of affected plan participants” and notes initial results of the use auto-portability at a plan sponsor, as well as previous support from Congressional legislators, including U.S. Senator Tim Scott, R-S.C.


Investment News: DOL proposes rule to reduce leakage in 401(k) plans

InvestmentNews reporter Greg Iacurci reports on the Department of Labor’s 11/7/18 proposed exemption for RCH “that’s meant to stanch the flow of money out of 401(k) plans, an issue that has long troubled retirement policymakers.” Iacurci notes policymaker concerns about 401(k) leakage, and cites research from the GAO, the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College (CRR) as well as supportive comments from Marcia Wagner, principal at The Wagner Law Group. RCH, notes Iarcurci, needs the exemption in order to receive a transfer fee, absent an individual’s consent.


401k Specialist: DOL Wants Your Opinion on Auto Portability

The 401kSpecialist’s Jessa Claeys notes the DOL’s 11/7/18 Employee Benefit Security Administration (EBSA) request for public comment on RCH’s proposed exemption, and advises her readers to comment, if they have strong opinions. The DOL’s exemption, says Claeys, would excuse RCH from ERISA and IRC rules that don’t allow sponsors or fiduciaries to use plan or employee assets for moving a former employee’s retirement savings forward, into their current-employer’s plan.


NAPA Net: DOL Seeks Input on Auto Portability

NAPA Net’s Ted Godbout informs his readership about the Labor Department’s 11/7/18 request for public comment on an auto-portability program, and notes the DOL’s Employee Benefit Security Administration (EBSA) announcement of a notice of proposed exemption for RCH from restrictions that “would allow the firm to move forward with its auto-portability program.” Godbout goes on to cite the broad-based support for auto-portability, including bipartisan political support for a DOL Advisory Opinion on auto-portability, and research by EBRI. Finally, Godbout quotes RCH President/CEO Spencer Williams on key job-changer statistics.


$4B and 155,000 Accounts Later: 401kWire Covers RCH Milestone

On Monday, 11/5/18, The 401kWire's article "$4B and 155,000 Accounts Later" covers RCH's announcement (see RCH Press Release from 10/30/18) on crossing the $4 billion milestone for retirement assets consolidated. RCH CEO Spencer Williams and EVP Neal Ringquist are both quoted in the piece, which also addresses the critical role of auto portability in consolidating small-balance accounts, noting its initial implementation in July 2017.


Retirement Income Journal Features RCH's $4 Billion Consolidation Milestone

In their 11/1/18 article, the Editorial Staff of the Retirement Income Journal covers the 10/30/18 announcement that Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) has surpassed $4 billion in account consolidations. The article breaks down the various components of account consolidations, including assisted rollovers and roll-ins, as well as noting RCH's recent success with automatic roll-ins, a fundamental component of RCH Auto Portability.


Is Your Missing-Participant Program a Ford Model T or 2018 BMW?

In today’s day and age, what is considered a state-of-the-art program today could easily become obsolete tomorrow, rendering a plan’s missing participant program vulnerable to fiduciary liability.


PLANSPONSOR Highlights 401(k) Consolidation Issue, Need for Auto Portability

In the August/September 2018 print edition of PLANSPONSOR, Editor-in-Chief Allison Cooke Mintzer addresses the problem of 401(k) cashouts, highlighting the need for consolidation via auto portability in her Insights column piece entitled "Making the Most of Savings: Is your plan designed to allow for employees to roll in their assets from a former plan?" Cooke Mintzer suggests to her plan sponsor audience that helping participants aggregate assets should "be near the top of your priority list, alongside the recent industry focus on financial wellness and debt management." Cooke Mintzer also cites statistics provided by RCH CEO Spencer Williams, noting the dramatic decrease in cashouts that occurs as balance levels rise above $20,000.

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability